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Antoine GEISSBUHLER | Head of group CV | Research subject | Members of the group |
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Links about the group
Prof. A. GEISSBÜHLER HUG/ Dpt Radiologie Serv. Informatique médicale Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 1211 Genève 14 Suisse Antoine.Geissbuhler@hcuge.ch Tel.: 022/372.62.01 Fax: 022/372.62.55 Comments Pages updated the 17.11.2015 |
Reseach's subject
Group's publications
Research's domains
KIMlab (Knowledge in Motion laboratory)
In order to enable intelligent health information systems that learn and evolve, innovative architectures need to be developed, as well as tools for knowledge discovery and engineering.The KIMlab
works on the design and implementation of innovative component-based architectures for health information systems, at the Geneva University Hospital, in the context of the e-toile project (community
health information network for the State of Geneva), and in collaboration with the Health-on-the-Net foundation.Research in the field of knowledge engineering includes text mining (MEDTAG2), semantic
processing of medical information (SemanticMining), content-based image retrieval, and the convergence of these techniques towards a concept of « multimedia mining ».The use of information technologies to
enhance health systems is investigated in the context of a telemedicine network in Western Africa (RAFT project and Dimmbal.ch project).
Group's publications IJMI special issues: a focus on current topics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2009 vol. 78(12) pp. 785-785 GEISSBUHLER A, TALMON J, SAFRAN C Revealing triage behaviour patterns in ER using a new technology for handwritten data acquisition INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2009 vol. 78(9) pp. 579-587 DESPONT-GROS C, COHEN G, RUTSCHMANN OT, GEISSBUHLER A, LOVIS C Automatic medical encoding with SNOMED categories. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING [COMPUTER FILE] 2008 vol. 8 pp. 6-6 RUCH P, GOBEILL J, LOVIS C, GEISSBUHLER A Commentaries on "Informatics and medicine: from molecules to populations". METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE 2008 vol. 47(4) pp. 296-317 ALTMAN RB AND AL. Novelty detection using one-class Parzen density estimator. An application to surveillance of nosocomial infections. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2008 vol. pp. 21-26 COHEN GILLES, SAX H, GEISSBUHLER A Using medline queries to generate image retrieval tasks for benchmarking. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2008 vol. 136 pp. 523-528 MULLER H, KALPATHY-CRAMER J, HERSH W, GEISSBUHLER A acceptance and congnitive load in a clinical setting of a novel device allowing natural real-time data acquisition INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 76 pp. 850-855 DESPONT-GROS C, RUTSCHMANN O, GEISSBUHLER A, LOVIS C Connecting medical informatics and bio-informatics - MIE 2005 - Editorial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 76 pp. 83-83 ENGELBRECHT R, GEISSBUHLER A, LOVIS C, MIHALAS G The RAFT network: 5 years of distance continuing medical education and tele-consultations over the internet in French-speaking Africa INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 76 pp. 351-356 GEISSBUHLER A, BAGAYOKO CO, LY O Improved visualization of vessels and hepatic tumors by micro-computed tomography (CT) using iodinated liposomes INVESTIGATIVE RADIOLOGY 2007 vol. 42 pp. 652-658 MONTET X, PASTOR CM, VALLEE JP, BECKER CD, GEISSBUHLER A, MOREL DR, MEDA P Challenges and methodology for indexing the computerized patient record MEDINFO 2007 vol. 12(Pt 1) pp. 417-421 EHRLER FRÉDÉRIC, RUCH PATRICK, GEISSBÜHLER ANTOINE, LOVIS CHRISTIAN Closing the loop: bringing decision support clinical data at the clinician desktop MEDINFO 2007 vol. 12(Pt 2) pp. 890-894 BRÉANT C, BORST F, NKOULOU R, IRION O, GEISSBUHLER A Coupling ontology driven semantic representation with multilingual natural language generation for tuning international terminologies MEDINFO 2007 vol. 12(Pt 1) pp. 555-559 RASSINOUX ANNE-MARIE, BAUD ROBERT H., RODRIGUES JEAN-MARIE, LOVIS CHRISTIAN, GEISSBÜHLER ANTOINE Reconciliation of ontology and terminology to cope with linguistics MEDINFO 2007 vol. 12(Pt 1) pp. 796-801 BAUD ROBERT H., CEUSTERS WERNER, RUCH PATRICK, RASSINOUX ANNE-MARIE, LOVIS CHRISTIAN, GEISSBÜHLER ANTOINE Towards health for all: WHO and IMIA intensify collaboration. Joint Communiqué during Medinfo 2007 in Brisbane. METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE 2007 vol. 46(5) pp. 503-505 GEISSBUHLER A, HAUX R, KWANKAM SY Analyzing web log files of the health on the net HONmedia search engine to define typical image search tasks for image retrieval evaluation STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 129(Pt 2) pp. 1319-1323 MULLER H, BOYER C, GAUDINAT A, HERSH W, GEISSBUHLER A Design of a decentralized reusable research database architecture to support data acquisition in large research projects STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 129(Pt 1) pp. 325-329 IAVINDRASANA J, DEPEURSINGE A, RUCH P, SPAHNI S, GEISSBUHLER A, MULLER H Health on the Net Foundation: assessing the quality of health web pages all over the world STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 129(Pt 2) pp. 1017-1021 BOYER C, GAUDINAT A, BAUJARD V, GEISSBUHLER A KnowARC: enabling Grid networks for the biomedical research community. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 126 pp. 261-268 MULLER H, PITKANEN M, ZHOU X, DEPEURSINGE A, IAVINDRASANA J, GEISSBUHLER A Securing chemotherapies: fabrication, prescription, administration and complete traceability STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 129(Pt 2) pp. 953-957 SPAHNI S, LOVIS C, ACKERMANN M, MACH N, BONNABRY P, GEISSBUHLER A Using discourse analysis to improve text categorization in MEDLINE STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 129(Pt 1) pp. 710-715 RUCH P, GEISSBUHLER A, GOBEILL J, LISACEK FREDERIQUE, TBAHRITI IMAD, VEUTHEY AL, ARONSON AR WRAPIN: a tool for patient empowerment within EHR STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2007 vol. 129(Pt 1) pp. 147-151 JOUBERT M, GAUDINAT A, BOYER C, GEISSBUHLER A, FIESCHI M Learning from imbalanced data in surveillance of nosocomial infection ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE 2006 vol. 37(1) pp. 7-18 COHEN G, HILARIO M, SAX H, HUGONNET S, GEISSBUHLER A Automatic assignment of biomedical categories: toward a generic approach BIOINFORMATICS 2006 vol. 22 pp. 658-664 RUCH P Assessment of Internet-based tele-medicine in Africa (the RAFT project) COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS 2006 vol. 30 pp. 407-416 BAGAYOKO CO, MULLER H, GEISSBUHLER A Acceptance and cognitive load in a clinical setting of a novel device allowing natural real-time data acquisition INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. pp. 0-0 DESPONT-GROS CHRISTELLE, RUTSCHMANN OLIVIER, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, LOVIS CHRISTIAN Comprehensive management of the access to the electronic patient record: towards trans-institutional network INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 76(5-6) pp. 466-470 LOVIS CHRISTIAN, SPAHNI STEPHANE, CASSONI NICOLAS, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Health and the Internet for all INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 75 pp. 1-3 GEISSBUHLER A, BOYER C Health search engine with e-document analysis for reliable search results INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 75 pp. 73-85 GAUDINAT A, RUCH P, JOUBERT M, UZIEL P, STRAUSS A, THONNET M, BAUD R, SPAHNI S, WEBER P, BONAL J, BOYER C, FIESCHI M, GEISSBUHLER A Implementing a new ADT based on the HL7 version 3 RIM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 76(2-3) pp. 190-194 SPAHNI STEPHANE, LOVIS CHRISTIAN, MERCILLE RICHARD, VERDEL HERVÉ, COTTEN MICHEL, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Recent advances in natural language processing for biomedical applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 75 pp. 413-417 COLLIER N, NAZARENKO A, BAUD R, RUCH P Using argumentation to extract key sentences from biomedical abstracts INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 76(2-3) pp. 195-200 RUCH PATRICK ET AL. Using argumentation to retrieve articles with similar citations: An inquiry into improving related articles search in the MEDLINE digital library INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 75 pp. 488-495 TBAHRITI I, CHICHESTER C, LISACEK F, RUCH P Interactive triage simulator revealed important variability in both process and outcome of emergency triage JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 2006 vol. 59 pp. 615-621 RUTSCHMANN OT, KOSSOVSKY M, GEISSBUHLER A, PERNEGER TV, VERMEULEN B, SIMON J, SARASIN FP Advancing biomedical image retrieval: Development and analysis of a test collection JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION 2006 vol. 13 pp. 488-496 HERSH WR, MULLER H, JENSEN JR, YANG JJ, GORMAN PN, RUCH P Impact of CPOE on mortality rates - Contradictory findings, important messages METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE 2006 vol. 45 pp. 586-593 AMMENWERTH E, TALMON J, ASH JS, BATES DW, BEUSCART-ZEPHIR MC, DUHAMEL A, ELKIN PL, GARDNER RM, GEISSBUHLER A Comprehensive management of the access to a component-based healthcare information system STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 124 pp. 251-256 LOVIS CHRISTIAN, SPAHNI STEPHANE, CASSONI-SCHOELLHAMMER NICOLAS, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Guarantying the quality of chemotherapy: from the order to the administration STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2006 vol. 124 pp. 241-246 SPAHNI S, LOVIS C, ACKERMANN M, MACH N, BONNABRY P, GEISSBUHLER A Enterprise-wide PACS : beyond radiology, an architecture to manage all medical images ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY 2005 vol. 12 pp. 1000-1009 BANDON DAVID, LOVIS CHRISTIAN, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, VALLEE JEAN-PAUL Learning from imbalanced data in surveillance of nosocomial infection ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE 2005 vol. 15 pp. 1-12 COHEN GILLES, HILARIO MELANIE, SAX HUGO, HUGONNET STEPHANE, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Automatic Assignment of biomedical categories : toward a generic approach BIOINFORMATICS 2005 vol. 15 pp. 0-0 RUCH PATRICK Data-poor categorization and passage retrieval for gene ontology annotation in swiss-prot BMC BIOINFORMATICS [COMPUTER FILE] 2005 vol. 6 pp. 1-13 EHRLER FREDERIC, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, JIMENO YEPES ANTONIO, RUCH PATRICK Health and the internet for all INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 30 pp. 1-3 GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, BOYER WALTHER CELIA Health search engine with e-document analysis for reliable search results INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 22 pp. 73-85 GAUDINAT ARNAUD ET AL. Recent advances in natural language processing for biomedical applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 30 pp. 1-5 COLLIER NIGEL, NAZARENKO ADELINE, BAUD ROBERT, RUCH PATRICK UMLF : a unified medical lexicon for French INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 74 pp. 119-124 ZWEIGENBAUM PIERRE ET AL. Using argumentation to retrieve articles with similar citations : an inquiry into improving related articles search in the MEDLINE digital library INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 12 pp. 1-8 TBAHRITI IMAD, CHICHESTER CHRISTINE, LISACEK FREDERIQUE, RUCH PATRICK Evaluating user interactions with clinical information systems : a model based on human-computer interaction models JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 38 pp. 244-255 DESPONT-GROS CHRISTELLE, MULLER HENNING, LOVIS CHRISTIAN Effect of CPOE user interface design on user-initiated access to educational and patient information during clinical care JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION : JAMIA 2005 vol. 12 pp. 458-473 S. T. ROSENBLOOM ET AL. Informatics in radiology (infoRAD). Benefits of content-based visual data access in radiology RADIOGRAPHICS 2005 vol. 25 pp. 849-858 MULLER HENNING, ROSSET ANTOINE, GARCIA ARNAUD, VALLEE JEAN-PAUL, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Desiderata for representing anatomical knwoledge STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 116 pp. 653-658 BAUD ROBERT, LOVIS CHRISTIAN, FABRY PAUL, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Design of a Multi Dimensional Database for the Archimed DataWarehouse. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 116 pp. 169-174 BRÉANT C, THURLER G, BORST F, GEISSBUHLER A Extracting key sentences with latent argumentative structuring STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 116 pp. 835-840 P. RUCH, R. BAUD, C. CHICHESTER, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, LISACEK FREDERIQUE, J. MARTY, D. REBHOLZ-SCHUHMANN, TBAHRITI IMAD, VEUTHEY ANNE-LISE Implementing a New ADT Based on the HL-7 Version 3 RIM. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 116 pp. 569-574 SPAHNI S, LOVIS C, MERCILLE RICHARD, VERDEL H, COTTEN M, GEISSBUHLER A Lung CT Analysis and Retrieval as a Diagnostic Aid STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 116 pp. 453-458 MULLER H, MARQUIS S, COHEN GILLES, LOVIS C, GEISSBUHLER A SVM Modeling via a Hybrid Genetic Strategy. A Health Care Application. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 116 pp. 193-198 COHEN G, HILARIO M, PELLEGRINI C, GEISSBUHLER A The Digital Pen and Paper Technology: Implementation and Use in an Existing Clinical Information System. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2005 vol. 116 pp. 328-333 DESPONT-GROS CHRISTELLE, BOEUF C, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, LOVIS CHRISTIAN A reference data set for the evaluation of medical image retrieval systems COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS : THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON IMAGING AND IMAGE-ARCHIVING IN ALL MEDICAL SPECIALTIES 2004 vol. 28 pp. 295-305 MULLER HENNING, ROSSET ANTOINE, VALLEE JEAN-PAUL, TERRIER FRANCOIS, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE A review of content-based image retrieval systems in medical applications-clinical benefits and future directions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2004 vol. 73 pp. 1-23 MULLER HENNING, MICHOUX N, BANDON D, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Experience in Implementing Inpatient Clinical Note Capture via a Provider Order Entry System. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION : JAMIA 2004 vol. 11 pp. 310-316 ROSENBLOOM ST, GRANDE J, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, MILLER RA casimage project : a digital teaching files authoring environment JOURNAL OF THORACIC IMAGING 2004 vol. 19 pp. 103-108 ROSSET ANTOINE, MULLER HENNING, MARTINS M, DFOUNI OLIVER NATALIA, VALLEE JEAN-PAUL, RATIB OSMAN An application of one-class support vector machines to nosocomial infections detection MEDINFO 2004 vol. pp. 716-720 COHEN GILLES, HILARIO MELANIE, SAX HUGO, HUGONNET STEPHANE, PELLEGRINI C, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Building a new ADT based on HL-7 version 3 RIM MEDINFO 2004 vol. pp. 1869-1869 SPAHNI S, LOVIS C, MERCILLE R, TROLLIARD P, VERDEL H, GEISSUBUHLER A Coping with the variability of medical terms MEDINFO 2004 vol. pp. 322-326 GAUDINAT A, FABRY P, LOVIS CHRISTIAN, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE Design of a patient-centered, multi-institutional healthcare information network using peer-to-peer communication in a highly distributed architecture MEDINFO 2004 vol. pp. 1048-1052 GEISSBUHLER A, SPAHNI S, ASSIMACOPOULOS A, RAETZO MA, GOBET G Facilitating acceptance of a nomenclature driven nursing care patient record : environmental, social and behavioral considerations MEDINFO 2004 vol. pp. 1729-1729 LOVIS C, ARNET PA, DESPONT-GROS C, BUTEL J, GEISSBUHLER A User's acceptance of clinical information systems : A methodological approach to identify the key acceptance of clinical information systems : a methodological approach to identify the key dimensions allowing a reliable evaluation framework MEDINFO 2004 vol. pp. 1038-1042 DESPONT-GROS CHRISTELLE, FABRY PAUL, MULLER HENNING, GEISSBUHLER ANTOINE, LOVIS CHRISTIAN Using open source software for medical image retrieval MEDINFO 2004 vol. pp. 1764-1764 Using lexical disambiguation and named-entity recognition to improve spelling correction in the electronic patient record. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE 2003 vol. 29 pp. 169-184 RUCH P, BAUD R, GEISSBUHLER A Building man-man-machine synergies: experiences from the Vanderbilt and Geneva clinical information systems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2003 vol. 69 pp. 127-133 GEISSBUHLER A Report of conference track 2: pathways to open architectures INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2003 vol. 69 pp. 297-299 LENZ R, HUFF S, GEISSBUHLER A XML as standard for communicating in a document-based electronic patient record: a 3 years experiment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2003 vol. 70 pp. 109-115 RASSINOUX AM, LOVIS C, BAUD R, GEISSBUHLER A Clinical Documents: Attribute-values Entity Representation,Context, Page Layout And Communication. PROCEEDINGS / AMIA ... ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM. AMIA SYMPOSIUM 2003 vol. pp. 396-400 LOVIS C, LAMB ALEXANDER, BAUD ROBERT, RASSINOUX ANNE-MARIE, FABRY PAUL, GEISSBUHLER A Telemedicine in Western Africa: lessons learned from a pilot project in mali, perspectives and recommendations. PROCEEDINGS / AMIA ... ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM. AMIA SYMPOSIUM 2003 vol. pp. 249-253 GEISSBUHLER A, LY OUSMANE, LOVIS C, L'HAIRE JEAN-FRANCOIS Integrating content-based visual access methods into a medical case database. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS 2003 vol. 95 pp. 480-485 MULLER H, ROSSET A, VALLEE JP, GEISSBUHLER A Evaluating and reducing the effect of data corruption when applying bag of words approaches to medical records INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2002 vol. 67 pp. 75-83 RUCH P, BAUD R, GEISSBUHLER A The future of natural language processing for biomedical applications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2002 vol. 67 pp. 1-5 BAUD R, RUCH P Screening for pressure ulcer risk in an acute care hospital : development of a brief bedside scale JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 2002 vol. 55 pp. 498-504 PERNEGER TV, RAË A.-C, GASPOZ JM, BORST F, VITEK O, HÉLIOT C A humanist's legacy in medical informatics: visions and accomplishments of Professor Jean-Raoul Scherrer METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE 2002 vol. 41 pp. 237-242 GEISSBUHLER A, LOVIS C, SPAHNI S, APPEL RD, RATIB O, BOYER C, HOCHSTRASSER DF, BAUD R Controlling the vocabulary for anatomy. PROCEEDINGS / AMIA ... ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM. AMIA SYMPOSIUM 2002 vol. pp. 26-30 BAUD R, LOVIS C, RASSINOUX AM, RUCH P, GEISSBUHLER A Understanding usage patterns of handheld computers in clinical practice. PROCEEDINGS / AMIA ... ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM. AMIA SYMPOSIUM 2002 vol. pp. 806-809 TSCHOPP M, LOVIS C, GEISSBUHLER A Integration of a multimedia teaching and reference database in a PACS environment RADIOGRAPHICS 2002 vol. 22 pp. 1567-1577 ROSSET A, RATIB O, GEISSBUHLER A, VALLEE JP Comparing general and medical texts for information retrieval based on natural language processing : an inquiry into lexical disambiguation MEDINFO 2001 vol. 10 pp. 261-265 RUCH P, BAUD R, GEISSBUHLER A, RASSINOUX AM Experience with an XML/HTTP-based federative approach to develop a hospital-wide clinical information system MEDINFO 2001 vol. 10 pp. 735-739 GEISSBUHLER A, LOVIS C, LAMB A, SPAHNI S Paragraph-oriented structure for narratives in medical documentation MEDINFO 2001 vol. 10 pp. 638-642 LOVIS C, BAUD RH, REVILLARD C, PULT L, BORST F, GEISSBUHLER A Use of handheld computers as bedside information providers MEDINFO 2001 vol. 10 pp. 764-767 TSCHOPP M, GEISSBUHLER A Looking back or looking all around : comparing two spell checking strategies for documents edition in an electronic patient record PROCEEDINGS / AMIA ... ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM. AMIA SYMPOSIUM 2001 vol. - pp. 568-572 RUCH P, BAUD R, GEISSBUHLER A, LOVIS C, RASSINOUX AM, RIVIERE A Intraarterial beta irradiation induces smooth muscle cell apoptosis and reduces medial cellularity in a hypercholesterolemic rabbit restenosis model INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY, BIOLOGY, PHYSICS 2000 vol. 46 pp. 661-670 VERIN V, POPOWSKI Y, BOCHATON-PIALLAT ML Research's domains MEDICAL INFORMATICS E-LEARNING TELEMEDECINE DATA MINING |